Thursday, March 03, 2022

How Do I Get More LinkedIn Connections Fast

Is it important to be growing your network?

Maybe you want more business leads. Maybe you want more attention on your posts. Either way, having more RELEVANT connections really helps. RELEVANT is a big key word here because whether it is LinkedIn or any other social network having the numbers without people will not lead to actual engagement, actual sales and/or actual fun!!! I have grown my network on LinkedIn to 5000 connections! There are people that have more and if you have less please don’t get lost in the comparison game. I have 370 subscribers on YouTube and I am very thankful for every single one of them. They are not easy to get. We have to be grateful for the connections we have. And it can be slow going. We do have ways to consistently add growth and there are techniques that speed up the process. TIPS - Takeaways + Search and Request - REACH OUT!! + Add value consistently in every interaction + Connect from the comment section EXTRA CREDIT Share one thing you like about someone once per day.